Muharram for the year 2019 starts on Saturday, August 31st and ends on Saturday, September 28th. Because the Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar with days starting at sunset, the holiday begins at sunset of the previous day on Friday, August 30th.
Muharram is the first month in the Islamic calendar. The first day of Muharram is considered by many Muslims as the start of the New year for Islam. This day is not a public holiday so government and business offices will be open depending on the day. Celebrated on the 10th day of Muharram is Ashura, a day of reflection and fasting.
Days to Muharram 2019
Saturday, August 31st is day number 243 of the 2019 calendar year with -5 years, -7 months, -0 days until the start of the celebration/ observance of Muharram 2019.