Wednesday March 12, 2025

Argentina Flag Day of respect for cultural diversity - Argentina

Day of respect for cultural diversity

The Day of respect for cultural diversity in Argentina occurs every 2nd Monday of October. It marks the day Columbus landed in the Americas.

Celebration\ Observance

To celebrate this national holiday most citizens get the day off and remember the history of the discovery of the Americas. The change in the name and actual date shows some of the effects of Columbus's arrival were more negative than positive.


This day was first celebrated in Argentina in 1917. It started when Columbus went on a 2nd exploration voyage looking for just new land rather than a path to Asia to which he stumbled upon the Bahamas. This first incite into the Americas caused further European exploration and therefore creating the countries that we have their today.

Argentina Public Holidays

Yearly Calendars

Provides calendars for the calendar year for Argentina.

Holiday Dates for the Year

Provides the dates for holidays for the calendar year for Argentina.